Comedy • Lifestyle • Culture
If you love humor, laughing, liberty, freedom and America you have come to the right place. *all memes are stolen or created with the sole intent to provide awesomely funny memes and satire in a time of tyranny and censorship* If you are easily triggered this is not the community for you…
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Welcome to Funny Memes by Queen of Memes

Hi Everyone - welcome to the Community!

I go by a couple names, some of them are not very flattering, but for our purposes and to make a statement you can call me DeSantis Girl…

We curate (that means steal) or create memes for maximum irony, humor and overall trigger value for you, our valued supporters.

This is not a site for kids, those easily offended or otherwise triggered by satire, humor, or funny sh!t in general.

We welcome your feedback but refuse to accept it unless it is a blatant display of flattery and kiss ass compliments!!!! LOL - just kidding, we care about your thoughts and would like your feedback on our content - we cannot improve it if we don’t know where we could make changes - so thank you in advance and we are so happy to have you here in our FUNNY MEMES Community!

Respectfully yours, very sincerely - 💌
~ Queen of Memes aka DeSantis Girl
Follow us on Gettr too @SharkB8Chick

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